Equity Release lending is becoming more popular than ever for a number of reasons. What is it and why are more people choosing to go down this route? What is Equity Release? Equity Release is a way of getting cash from the value of your home whilst enabling you to continue living in it and …
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Coole Bevis LLP celebrate as two further trainees successfully complete training contracts. Coole Bevis LLP is committed to shaping the future of the legal profession by heavily investing in training contracts that provide aspiring solicitors with invaluable opportunities to practice law. The firm’s commitment to investing in its training programme not only contributes to the …
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It is a cause for celebration when you successfully obtain a judgment against your opponent. Unfortunately, however, that may not always be the end of the matter. Court judgments will usually contain an order for the judgment debtor to pay the judgment debt by a specified deadline (usually 14 days, but that can vary). However, …
Continue reading “Court Judgments: Five Ways to Ensure Your Debtor Pays”
The Court process can be daunting because there are a number of steps to be completed between issuing a claim at Court and the Trial. These steps are necessary in order to ensure that the case is properly prepared for Trial and that the Judge has all the information and documents required to make a …
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Oliver Maxwell-Jones, Head of Commercial Property and Partner at Coole Bevis LLP, provides insights for stakeholders in commercial property to consider under the new Labour Government. Nearly a month on from the election of a new Labour government and already it’s obvious there will be a significant shift in the political landscape of England. What …
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Many commercial relationships between parties are governed by a contract. For example, there will usually be a contract between a business and its customers for the provision of goods or services. Unfortunately, things sometimes go wrong and this can lead to a contractual dispute between the parties. We can help you when a contractual dispute …
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Most businesses will at some point struggle with ensuring that their customers pay their invoices promptly or at all, and for others it can be a regular occurrence. This can have a significant impact on your business’ cashflow and overall financial position. What can you do to improve your position and make sure that you …
Continue reading “What Should I Do If My Customer Can’t or Won’t Pay?”
Mediation is a form of Alternative Dispute Resolution that can help parties to resolve their disputes out of Court. An independent third party, known as a mediator, is appointed by the parties to assist them in discussing settlement of their issues. There are many reasons why you might want to consider mediation, including:- Mediation may …
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April witnessed a number of changes to employment law taking effect. July will see the implementation of further changes which should lead to greater flexibility for employers surrounding the TUPE regulations and increased protection for employees concerning the code of practice on ‘firing & re-hiring’. Here, Nigel Targett, Employment Partner explores the legislative changes in …
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Leading Sussex law firm, Coole Bevis LLP advises Hughes Pumps Holdings Ltd on the sale of the majority shareholding in Hughes Pumps Ltd, a West Sussex based manufacturer of high-pressure plunger pumps and water jetting equipment, to Udor S.p.A, headquartered in Rubiera, Italy. Hughes Pumps Ltd operates from a modern factory in Washington, West Sussex …
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